So after mastering a few riffs on my harmonica, I determined it was time to start attempting to learn Piano Man by Billy Joel. When learning this song it was important to use my harmonica that is in the Key of C, otherwise it would sound different from the original.

This song itself is not too challenging as it is only using three different keys; 4, 5, and 6, through a total of 4 different bars that are repeated just after the chorus. So the challenge here isn’t finding where to put my mouth for the different keys, but more so the timing between each note. Not only that, but the duration of each note being played as well as the break timing is something I struggle with. I have been practicing fairly hard to get this song down as I really like it, and I know the pattern and order of how the notes to play, but I am struggling to make it sound like the real song because the timing between notes is tricky for me. I believe this to be the case mainly because this is the first instrument I have ever attempted to learn, but besides that I can feel myself getting better each time I play so I am not too concerned.

Overall, I would recommend anyone to learn the harmonica. It is not too hard and gives the player a great sense of how to read music, understand counts and note spacing, and for the player to hone their skills in breathe control. After learning a few riffs and almost mastering one song, the one main tip I can give to new harmonica players is to hold the harmonica slightly upwards with it sitting in your lower lip. This gives the clearest sound when playing specific notes, and gives you more confidence when playing because it makes the music sound better and better.

Here is the link to the video I was using to learn Piano Man by Billy Joel! And here is the link to the original, whole version of Piano Man by Billy Joel for comparison.
